
CMR Group joins the Pôle Mer
Méditerranée steering committee under
the chairmanship of L. MOSER,
Naval Group site director 

At the Pôle Mer Méditerranée general meeting held on thursday july 6th in Toulon, members were called to vote to elect the members of the new steering committee for a 3-year term.


A total of 28 member representatives and 2 ex-officio members will make up the steering committe as follows:
- 9 elected in the Groups and non-SMB Companies category, including CMR Group, Naval Group, EDF, EXAIL, Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, Seaowl, Veolia, CNIM & Predict (SNEF)
- 10 elected for SMB Companies category, including Ainsi fonds fonds fonds, Biomarine, BLUEFLOAT, CESIGMA, ECOCEAN, GREENSEA, Marine Tech, NEPTECH, OP SATHOAN, SEACURE
- 6 elected in the Research and Training Organizations category including Aix-Marseille Université, IES Montpellier, IFREMER, Observatoire de Banyuls, ENSM, Université de Toulon
- 3 elected in the Ecosystem category including Banque Pop. Med., BNP Paribas, GICAN
- 2 elected members by right


Following its renewal, the members of the steering committe elected the cluster's president. Laurent Moser, Naval Group Toulon Site director, was unanimously re-elected as chairman of the Pôle Mer Méditerrannée for a second 3-year term.


The ambition of the Pôle Mer Méditerrannée is to sustainably develop the maritime and coastal economy in the Mediterranean basin and worldwide, by fostering the emergence of innovative projects and supporting the development companies.
In the southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Occitanie and Corsica regions, the cluster unites scientific and economic players around maritime and coastal themes with major safety and sustainability challenges.


Awarded the "Pôle de compétitivité à vocation mondiale" label in 2005, the Pôle Mer Méditerrannée brings together and supports startups, SMBs, major groups, and research and training organization in six strategic areas:
- Defense, security and maritime safety
- Naval and nautical
- Marine energy and mineral resources
- Marine biological resources
- Coastline and marine environment
- Ports, infrastructures and logistics

This appointment is a great opportunity for CMR Group to play a full part in the dynamics set up by the Pôle Mer in the region, to get closer to industry in order to create partnerships and to take decisions that could influence the marine industry.

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